Oracle® Forms 9i | 10g | 11g | 12c | 19c Error Codes

Information for Forms Error Code FRM-40903: Cannot create output file.
Oracle® Forms Error FRM-4090340/4

FRM-40903: Cannot create output file.

Cause: You pressed [Print Screen], but screen contents could not be written to a file because of one of the following:
1. You have entered an illegal file name.
2. The operating system does not give you authority to create files.
3. The necessary disk or directory space is not available.

Action: Check the file name you have entered and correct it if necessary. If you need additional help, contact your system administrator.

Trigger: ON-ERROR

Oracle® Forms Error Codes 9i | 10g | 11g | 12c | 19c

Record: 1/1

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