
Specifies the authentication mode to use for allow access through this DAD

PlsqlAuthenticationMode Basic
PlsqlAuthenticationMode SingleSignOn
PlsqlAuthenticationMode GlobalOwa
PlsqlAuthenticationMode CustomOwa
PlsqlAuthenticationMode PerPackageOwa
PlsqlAuthenticationMode Basic

Tips for PlsqlAuthenticationMode

Most customer applications use Basic Authentication.

Custom Authentication modes (GlobalOwa, CustomOwa, PerPackageOwa) are used by very few PL/SQL applications.

The SingleSignOn mode is supported only Oracle Application Server releases only and is used by Oracle Application Server Portal and Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On.

If the DAD is not using the Basic authentication, then you must include a valid username/password in the DAD configuration. For the Basic mode, if you wish to perform dynamic authentication, the DAD username/password parameters must be omitted.

For WebDB 2.x applications, this parameter must be set to Basic

In older versions, this configuration parameter was derived from a combination of enablesso and custom_auth

  • enablesso = Yes translates to PlsqlAuthenticationMode SingleSignOn
  • custom_auth = Global translates to PlsqlAuthenticationMode GlobalOwa
  • custom_auth = Custom translates to PlsqlAuthenticationMode CustomOwa
  • custom_auth = PerPackage translates to PlsqlAuthenticationMode PerPackageOwa
  • All other combinations translate to Basic authentication