ORA-37107: (XSVPART07) Attempt to write to non-existent partition of workspace object.
Cause: Some action attempted to write data to a partitioned variable, but the variable didn''t have a partition for that data. This can result from a partition template that does not assign all possible dimension values to some subcube, or from a partitioned variable that does not have a partition for one of the partitions defined by the partition template.
Action: Make sure that the cell being written is assigned to some partition by the partition template, and that the variable has an actual partition associated with the partition of the template. Use the CHGDFN template DEFINE... command to define new partitions within the template, and the CHGDFN variable ADD... command to add new partitions to the variable. Alternatively, the PARTWRITEERR can be set to false, in which case data being written to a non-existent partition will be silently discarded.
Error Type: ORA