Oracle® Forms 9i | 10g | 11g | 12c | 19c Error Codes

Information for Forms Error Code FRM-41840: Insufficient main memory for record buffers
Oracle® Forms Error FRM-4184028/9

FRM-41840: Insufficient main memory for record buffers

Cause: Unable to allocate memory for a record being created in a block.

Action:If you are executing a large query, retry it with additional query criteria (in order to reduce the size of the result set). Alternatively, commit changes and, if necessary, clear one or more blocks to free up memory, or try restarting the application when fewer programs are running concurrently, or on a machine with more memory.

Trigger: ON-ERROR

Oracle® Forms Error Codes 9i | 10g | 11g | 12c | 19c

Record: 1/1

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